Is Now the Best Time for Lawn Fertilization for Ann Arbor, MI, Landscapes?

Is Now the Best Time for Lawn Fertilization for Ann Arbor, MI, Landscapes?

If you’re wondering when the best time to have your Ann Arbor, MI, lawn fertilized is, the answer depends. Most lawn care programs include numerous fertilization applications throughout the year—in spring, summer, and fall. The top three essential nutrients that grass needs to grow and thrive are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and there are also micronutrients that are often included in the fertilizer mixture. Each application serves a different purpose and utilizes different nutrients as they are needed for the different seasons and weather conditions.

Related: Bring Your Ann Arbor, MI, Commercial Property Lawn Back to Life With Seasonal Fertilization

Spring Fertilizer Applications

Most initial fertilization applications are applied in early spring when the grass begins to turn green again, generally in April or when the soil reaches a temperature of about 55 degrees. Winter can take a toll on the grass's health, and the nutrients can be quickly used up. Nitrogen is the nutrient that grass needs the most. This nutrient is what helps grass maintain a green and vibrant color, and it is essential in the early spring.

In mid-May, a second fertilizer application is often applied. In addition to the fertilizer, a crabgrass preventer is often applied. It’s important to prevent weeds from growing on your lawn because they will suck up the nutrients and quickly overtake the lawn. The combination of fertilizer and pre-emergent weed control will ensure your grass gets off to a healthy start in the spring. Your beautiful and lush green lawn will be the envy of the neighborhood.

Summer Fertilizer Applications

During the summer, fertilizer is generally applied every six to eight weeks. Nitrogen-rich fertilizer can sometimes cause stress to the lawn, so many lawn care professionals use a low-nitrogen mixture during the summer months.

A trained lawn care technician will be able to look at your lawn to determine what nutrients and micronutrients it needs, usually by looking at the grass blades. Some of the micronutrients it may need include calcium, sodium, chloride, and others. A custom program can be created to treat your lawn and ensure that it always looks its best.

In the warmer months, pesticides and herbicides are often applied to prevent insect infestation, weed growth, and fungus growth. These applications prevent grubs and weeds from harming the root system of your lawn. Even with the pre-emergent weed control applied in the spring, weeds can easily take root and begin to grow throughout the summer, which is why post-emergent weed control is applied to kill the weeds that have begun to grow.

Fall Fertilizer Applications

In the fall, fertilizer is generally applied to help the lawn recover from the hot weather that it has undergone during the summer months. Nitrogen is often applied to strengthen the health of the grass. Some lawn care professionals include a fertilizer application about two to three weeks before the ground freezes. Once the ground freezes, the nutrients will not be able to get into the soil. This fertilizer application helps prepare the grass for dormancy and to maintain its health over the frigid winter months that are ahead. The fertilization process begins again in early spring.

Related: 4 Reasons Landscapers Near Me Recommend Including Fertilization in a Lawn Care Plan in Hamburg Township, MI

About the Author:

For nearly 40 years, Great Outdoors has been growing relationships by providing high-quality residential and commercial landscaping services for the greater Southeast Michigan area. Specializing in full-service lawn care and creative outdoor living solutions, we utilize state-of-the-art equipment, high-end materials, and quality workmanship. We’ll help create the perfect yard to accent and complement your home.


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